30 Juli 2011

Salmon's Adventure

In a big river there lived a group of salmons. The river’s flows were fast. The group was leaded by Marco, the biggest salmon in the group. He was a tough and wise leader. He never surrenders and always did the best for his group.
One day they planned to find their new nest. Some of them would lay their egg there. They had rested before they were swimming to their destination. They swam north from that big river. Marco leaded his group carefully.
They swam counter the river’s flows so they must swim fast. If they didn’t swim fast, they would sweep away. One by one from his group couldn’t survive. Marco told the others to be tough and to keep their speed. Finally they arrived at a river of which flows were slow so they planned to rest there. But, it wasn’t good news because immediately Marco saw crocodiles swam near.
Marco woke his group up and he told them to followed Marco. The crocodiles chased them. One by one from Marco’s group had catch. Marco told the others to be tough and to keep swam. Now, they were free from the crocodiles. Marco felt sad because he couldn’t keep his group. They swam slowly because they heard something noisy.
It was a waterfall. They felt happy, Marco felt happy too. They must jump to the waterfall to reach the other river. The waterfall wasn’t so high, but there were bears which waited for their prey. All of the salmon was looked at Marco, they were frightened. Marco was thinking. He got an idea.
They swam deep near the bottom of the river. The bears didn’t notice them. They stopped and jumped high, they were flying. The bears just saw them flying. When they were approaching the water, the bears started to chase them. One by one from Marco’s group had caught. Marco told the other to keep swam without him. They obeyed and swam fast without Marco. Marco wanted to help his groups which catch by the bears.
He jumped to the bear’s hand so the fish fall. They could escape but Marco had clawed by one of the bear. He fell then he dead. Fortunately Marco’s group reached the river which would be their new nest. There were seven fishes left from thirty fishes. They lay their egg there and they waited for their egg to hatch. They never forgot their leader who had rescued them from danger. Now, the salmons lived happily in that river. But, they always knew if there would be an adventure for them when they planned to find their new nest again.

28 Juli 2011

My First Project

Sorry for the bad video, this the first time I learn to make a video.
Thanks for like or comments!

24 Juli 2011

FSX Indonesian Airlines

Berikut ini adalah model pesawat Boeing 737-800 Default FSX (hanya repaint). Bosan dengan model pesawat default FSX, hanya ada Orbit, Pacifica, Word Travel, dll. Mau lebih? Danzworld berbagi model Boeing 737-800 maskapai Indonesia. Download file dan ikuti instruksi dari readme. Gratis!!!

FSX Default Boeing 737-800 Repaint

Garuda Indonesia

Garuda Indonesia Experience



Lion Air

Sumber :



5 Juli 2011

Tutorial to Landing

Danzworld ingin berbagi sedikit pengalaman di flight simulator. Pengalaman kedua yaitu tentang landing.
Di tutorial ini saya memakai pesawat Boeing 737-800 dan memakai software Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Sebenarnya sama saja pengoperasiannya antara Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 dengan Microsoft Flight Simulator X, hanya berbeda sedikit saja . Ok tak usah berlama - lama kita mulai

1. Tutorial kali ini adalah ILS landing (landing dengan panduan dari ATC)

2. Saat muncul jendela ATC seperti gambar di bawah atau handoff. Seperti biasa ubah heading dan altitude sesuai ATC serta ubah autobrake jadi 1, 2, 3 atau max

3. Kita mainkan perkalian, tadi ATC menyuruh kita untuk descend and mantain 3000 kan, kalikan 3000 dengan 3 berarti 9000 nah berarti kita mulai descending dari 9nm (lihat di gps) dari runway. Sebelumnya pada kotak paling kiri pada gambar ubah menjadi APP dan kendalikan airspeed pada 200 knots

4. Saya akan mendarat di bandara Soekarno Hatta (WIII) pada runway 7R, buka map dan catat ILS frequency dan course dari runway 7R. Lalu ubah course dan NAV1 pada radio stack (shift + 2)

5. Klik NAV1 dan VOR LOC, dan tunggu sampai pesawat menemukan runway. Lalu ubah flap menjadi 15 dengan mengklik F7.

6. Lihat pada GPS (shift + 3) apabila angka pada pojok kanan atas GPS sudah seperti perkalian kita tadi.

7. Matikan altitude autopilot dan mulai descending. Turunkan airspeed menjadi 180 knots dan ubah flap menjadi 40 dengan mengklik F8. Setelah runway sudah dekat matikan autothrottle dan turunkan landing gear (G)

8. Saat hampir touch down atau pesawat menyentuh runway ubah throttle menjadi idle (shift + 4 atau F1). Ingat selalu ban belakang dahulu yang menyentuh runway (seperti gambar di bawah) dan turunkan ban depan.

9. Turunkan speed brake (shift + 4 atau /) sampai down dan turunkan throttle sampai paling bawah (F2) agar pesawat mundur. Spoiler (speed brake) dan reverse thrust digunakan untuk mengurangi air speed. Jangan lupa untuk mengubah autobrake menjadi 0

Sekian Tutorial untuk landing ini, bila ada yang tidak mengerti atau kurang jelas silahkan comment di comment box. Semoga bermanfaat!

Happy Flying!