19 Januari 2012

The Missing Piece

I don't want to be anarchy, I just want to express what I feel now. That's all... Now, I'm in trouble, I think there no one who cares me. Maybe I have fun, friends, joke, knowledge. They don't help me, there still one missing piece that I don't have. Until now, it's really hard to be found. Even I don't know what it is. The only thing which I know is that I'm still feel alone. It's different now. Maybe I'm not confident, maybe I'm not brave but I feel that are not the answer. I think this 2 year is worse than 2 years before . So what is the missing piece? Why I'm different, why I don't feel the same fun like last 2 years, why I still feel alone? Why I have to face it?

14 Januari 2012

Jurnal Mimpiku 2

Mimpi ini mungkin bukan mimpi yang baru tapi selalu teringat dengan jelas dalam pikiranku. Aku pun menyadari kekuatan mimpiku. Mimpi ini memang hanya kualami satu kali tapi mimpi ini merupakan mimpi yang paling berkesan bagiku. Waktu itu adalah waktu yang paling menegangkan. Kenapa karena waktu itu aku harus menunggu hasil UN dan persiapan untuk tes masuk SMA, malamnya aku berdoa untuk meminta petunjuk SMA mana yang kupilih. Malam itu aku bermimpi. Inilah mimpiku...
"Aku sedang berdiri memegang tiang, keadaan di dalam mimpiku gelap dan hanya ada kursi - kursi di hadapanku. Besi yang kupegang ternyata adalah pegangan untuk penumpang yang berdiri, sepertinya aku di sebuah bus. Saat aku melihat ke jendela..." Aku terbangun. Masa yang menegangkan berakhir, aku menerima hasil UN. Aku melaksanakan tes masuk SMA. Aku pun diterima di sebuah SMA negeri, saat kelas XI aku mengikuti study tour ke Yogyakarta. Saat perjalanan dari Yogyakarta ke Bogor tepatnya saat di Jawa Tengah, waktu itu malam hari aku duduk di belakang bus dan tidur saat aku bangun aku berdiri karena pegal. Aku berdiri memegang tiang bus dan betapa sakitnya kepalaku saat aku menyadari inilah mimpiku satu tahun lalu.

"Do you believe in 'dream comes true' ?"

13 Januari 2012

Jurnal Mimpiku

Mimpi ini mungkin bukan mimpi yang baru tapi selalu teringat dengan jelas dalam pikiranku. Aku pun menyadari kekuatan mimpiku. Mimpi ini sudah tiga kali kualami. Pertama, saat ku masih duduk di kelas 5 SD. Inilah mimpiku...
"Aku berdiri dengan memegang tongkat di tangan kananku." Aku terbangun, lalu saat ku duduk di kelas 6 SD aku kembali bermimpi sama. "Aku berdiri dengan memegang tongkat dan aku melihat diriku mengenakan baju pramuka saat aku akan melihat ke langit..." Aku terbangun, lalu mimpi ini kembali datang saat masa aku sudah lulus dari SD dan mulai memilih smp. "Aku berdiri dengan memegang tongkat aku melihat ke arah atap sekolah dan ternyata ada tulisan kaligrafi di atap sekolah tersebut." Aku terbangun, saat aku sudah duduk di kelas 1 SMP, aku mengikuti pramuka dan tak berapa lama aku mengikuti sebuah lomba di sebuah sekolah madrasah aliyah. Saat pengumuman pemenang lomba tersebut aku berdiri memegang sebuah tongkat berbaris dengan reguku. Perasaanku tegang dan aku mengalihkan pandanganku ke atas ke samping dan ke bawah. Saat aku melihat ke atap sekolah tersebut, sakit rasanya kepala ini begitu tahu bahwa di atap tersebut ada tulisan kaligrafi persis seperti yang kulihat dalam mimpiku itu.

"Dream is like walking in your life, but not your body which walking is it your soul"

11 Januari 2012

Kunino Sagiri

Now, Danzworld will discuss about Persona 4 especially the boss. Do you know Taro Namatame? If you do, so you have play the game (Persona 4 PS2)near the end, right? Yes, but Kunino Sagiri isn't the last boss for Persona 4. Kunino Sagiri is the final boss for BAD ENDING. Before you reach it's dungeon, there will be an event which Nanako was kidnapped by Taro Namatame by a delivery truck. Before the truck had crashed with Dojima's car Taro Namatame brought Nanako inside the TV and it's all began!

Location : Heaven 10 Paradise
Battle Music : A New World Fool

When you meet Namatame, he is holding Nanako and said that he want to 'save' Nanako. All of the team were too upset and don't believe him. Then the battle began!

Kunino Sagiri

Level : 65
Weakness : -
Block : Light and Dark (you can't kill him instantly)

It's have all magic elements skill like Garudyne, Bufudyne, Agidyne, and Ziodyne. It will use those skill until it kill you. Kunino Sagiri also do Quad Converge, it means when Kunino Sagiri use that skill, just one magic skill will active and it be more powerful. Not only that, when it's HP reach almost half, Kunino Sagiri do Control to control one of your team and all of your team except you. When it's HP just about quarter, Kunino Sagiri do Unerring Justice (Heavy Almighty) and God's Judgement ( Light damage equal to 50% of its HP). Prepare yourself! Remember one thing, even Kunino Sagiri look like a coward, it may make you peeing in pants.

Danzworld's Hints:
I give you this 'cause I've finished this game and I want to share to you. It's quiet hard and take much time to defeated. First, you have to bring two kind of personas. First, you must bring Persona which doesn't have a weakness. Second, you must bring Persona which Nul Physic or Drn Physic or Rpl Physic (I'll tell you why). Then you must bring one Healer, Yukiko or Teddy or both of them and never bring Yosuke and Teddy together 'cause they have the same weakness, Thunder. If you're ready then the battle begin!

First, just attack Kunino Sagiri with all Magic attack rapidly until it use Quad Converge. when it use Quad Converge just use GUARD for all members, then Kunino Sagiri will use one of the magic attack. The magic attack of which it use never be change until it use Quad Converge again. Example, after it do Quad Converge, then it do Bufudyne, it will always do it until it do Quad Converge again.

When it happened just attack Kunino Sagiri with the magic element which same as what it do. Example, after it do Bufudyne, attack it with Bufudyne and use GUARD for member of which weakness is Ice like Chie. Do it until it's HP reach half. It become more crazy, it take control one of your members. When it happened just switch your persona which can Rpl, Nul, or Drn Physic (you will know why). After your member recover, It become more crazy again, it take control all of your member except you. After all of your member recover, it become more weak. This the time to kick his ass!

Just do your best this time but don't forget to heal also bring Soma if you already have it. I really like when final blow in its head and BAM! Kunino Sagiri died.

"I'm...I'm going to save her! Don't interfere!" Kunino Sagiri

1 Januari 2012

Try to Make Sentences

I'll give some sentences for 2011

It's a great year, isn't it?

We've gotten many experiences
... many friends
... many advantages
... also many problems

I know, it's hard to confess our fault

Because it's hurt to face yourself

inside your body, your real personality

But, you have to know if you can confess it today, in the first day of 2012

you apologize for your fault and have a new life

This year (2012) will become DIFFERENT!!!